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2 corporate teams per game title in a seven week league + double elim playoffs
---Up to 57 employees could sign up
Twitch "Game of the Week" - Each week we feature two teams per game title on a live stream with local KC based casters.
T-shirts provided to all players, picked up at finals location OR delivered to company after completion of season.
Traveling Trophy lent to the winning company for the entire off-season!
27 tickets remaining
$500.00 per ticket
Event Sponsor
Includes all benefits from the Corporate Pass
Acknowledged as Event Sponsor during weekly and playoff Twitch broadcasts!
Logo rotated with other event partners during all KCCEC livestreams every three seconds.
Company logo or name included on the back of the KCCEC T-shirt! Also included on multiple event communications (including weekly player email, social media matchup annoucements, press release, etc.)
27 tickets remaining
$1000.00 per ticket
Presenting Sponsor
Includes all benefits from the Corporate Pass & Event Partner
Company name incorporated into the EVENT LOGO prominently displayed on the front of the T-shirt and everywhere the logo is shown.
KCCEC Logo with your company name displayed during all Twitch broadcasts including the start screen, transition slide and BRB screen.
Sold Out!
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