The KCGameOn community gaming event series is open to any and all level of gamers. We are a gaming agnostic event where you can play any game you want! The tournaments offered are completely optional to play and if you are an aspiring esports player, a good way to get your feet wet in competitive gaming. We provide the space to play, snacks, drinks, dinner and infrastructure, you bring your friends and gaming devices for a 15 hour experience you cannot replicate at home.
Did you notice the snacks/drinks/dinner part of that? This is provided to EVERYONE who buys a ticket to the event so you can keep playing all 15 hours.
The catered dinner for this event will be announced soon! Dinner will be served at ~6pm courtesy of IBM. Vegetarian options upon request!
NOTE: This is a BYOC (bring your own computer/console/boardgame) event. View ticket information for more details.
Some select tournaments (listed below) will have various prizing, along with announcements and door prizes to be given away after dinner, ~630pm.
11/20/2021 12:00 PM |
Doors Open to Public
11/20/2021 1:00 PM |
Meet and Greet
Meet new people, make new friends, slay new enemies
11/20/2021 2:00 PM |
Enable Cross-Play! Consoles are welcome.
11/20/2021 3:00 PM |
Among Us
Community Gaming
11/20/2021 4:00 PM |
3 person squads in random lobbies
11/20/2021 4:00 PM |
4v4, double elim tournament
11/20/2021 6:00 PM |
Dinner is served
Provided by IBM
11/20/2021 7:00 PM |
5 rounds, 4 person squads in a single custom lobby
11/20/2021 8:00 PM |
3v3, double elim tournament
11/21/2021 3:00 AM |
Doors Closed to Public
Regarding COVID restrictions - We take your safety very seriously and have taken in many scientific facts, opinions and considerations for this event (Nov 20th, 2021). As such, KCGameOn will require proof of vaccination for anyone age eligible at the time of event or a negative covid test taken on either Nov 18th or Nov 19th when you check in. This is not negotiable.
Ultimately, we believe in safety first, fun and games second. This "proof at check in" DOES NOT guarantee you 100% resistance to COVID at our event, but gives us the greatest chance of safety with our large numbers in tight spaces for up to 10+ hours gaming. Please respect our policy for this event and we will continue to work toward a healthy tomorrow.
After checking in, you will wear a wristband for the duration of the event so you won't have to be checked from room to room.
Masks are still recommended during the event. If you feel sick or ill in any way prior to the event, contact an admin for a full refund.
As always, KCGameOn is dedicated to providing a harassment-free event experience for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, or affiliation. We do not tolerate harassment of event participants in any form. Event participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled without refund at the discretion of KCGameOn management. If you need to report an issue you may do so by visiting the KCGameOn help desk.